Download Word Search Puzzle Maker

crossword-puzzle-maker-screenshotThe Free Word Search Puzzle Maker is a simple, easy to use software, compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7 and, of course, Windows 8.

It is divided into three sections: Words, Words Search and Help. The first one, Words, allows you to introduce up to 21 words in a table, and these will be used to generate the puzzle. The second section, Words Search, displays a 15x15 grid of letters, which contains the words that you introduced in the first section. The rest of the grid is filled with random letters, so there is a very large pool of boards to randomly choose from.

You cannot select the letters in the generated puzzle, but the second section allows you to save the current grid as a picture (which is black and white and contains only the desired puzzle), or even print it if you want to. Additional advice are given in the help section, where you can find out that you can generate a new game with as little as two words.

In conclusion, The Free Word Search Puzzle Maker:

  • Is a simple, lightweight software for Windows.
  • It’s very easy to use.
  • It randomly selects a configuration from all the possible combinations of words and fills the rest of the grid with random letters.
  • Can be used with as little as two words.
  • It offers additional features such as printing, print screening, or help.

  • It’s a great inspirational tool for creative word search puzzle makers, or a complete solution for anyone who wants to whip up a basic puzzle. It certainly does it’s job and we’re sure you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.